The KB6MIP/R Project Page

Works in progress in the MIP Shop



Update 24 January 2025

Above you see the current configuration of the KB6MIP/R repeater in Talent, Oregon.

Top to bottom:

Shelf 1 is a Daniels SR-39-1 subrack containing the VHF remote base on 146.5200 MHz. Left to right in the subrack are an AC-3E audio Control module, a VT-3/160-SWA800 transmitter module, a VR-3/160-SWA200 receiver module, a VT-3H045-SWA300 transmitter module (awaiting conversion to the six meter amateur band), a UT-3H045-SWA200 receiver module (also awaiting conversion to the six meter amateur band), and finally an SM-3B system monitor module.

Shelf 2 is also a Daniels SR-39-1 subrack, containing the KB6MIP/R repeater. It is programmed on the ORRC LARS channel (440.7500 MHz output, 445.7500 MHz input) decoding and encoding CTCSS 82.5 Hz. Left to right in the subrack are an AC-3E audio Control module, a UT-3/460-SNA200 transmitter module (modified per factory documentation for wideband), a UR-3/460-SWC200 receiver module, an AMP-2/450-3000 power amplifier (adjusted for 20 watts output), and finally an SM-3 system regulator.

The next item down the rack is the latest update, a Motorola T-1500 4-bay band-pass / band-reject duplexer. This replaced the EMR "pocket duplexer," which was basically a four bay notch filter. The system worked OK with that, but the T1500 is a much better device. Insertion loss on both channels was around -1.4 dB, and the opposite channel rejection notches were around -95dB. The front panel has seen a hard life, but the individual filters that make up the duplexer are in great shape.

Below the duplexer is the S-Com 7330 controller.

I still need to buy or build an intermodulation panel, which has become the final priority on my upgrade list. The critical parts necessary to make one are a circulator (tuned for the 420 - 450 MHz band or wider) and a second harmonic filter (pass band 420 - 450 MHz or wider). If you know anyone who has that kind of gear available, please let me know.

That's all for now. Stay tuned!


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